Cleaned Up Sounds

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Revision as of 20:42, 24 June 2010 by (Talk)
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There are two files that are audio and can possibly be cleaned up, dinosaur_fizzle and dinosaur_noise.

[edit] SOLVED (Partially)

Me and fellow Portal 2 forums users have discovered that at least part of the 'voices' heard in the descrambled audio is acually Wheatley as shown in the IGN gameplay videos. The section where the voice says "Thats amazin'" is actually Wheatley, not Alyx. Proof in this video, which includes splicing of the audio to the gameplay video for easier hearing.

showing voices, Wheatley and a spliced section to help clarify things

Because we now know the voice we are aiming for, maybe cleaning will be easier.

[edit] Noise

Analysis of the original waveform:

Experimental phase corrected version: download:

Sequence of events with time markers:

Possible transcripts:

Latest: audio with captions, discussing where we think things are happening.

the beeping at the end is isolated: (slow version)

Present effort: The current plan is to attempt to restart the cleanup process with a better base, this entails adjusting the positive and negative amplitude parts of the wave and trying to match them in some degree so as to attempt to allow for better cleanup. those are the latest files, one is the positive side of the entire dinosaur_noise, and the second is teh negative side.

The two combined produce the full dinosaur_noise signal, so by separating the + and - sides one can adjust one side or the other in real time in a multitrack editor.

older: audio with captions, discussing where we think things are happening.

the beeping at the end is isolated: (slow version)

Present effort: The current plan is to attempt to restart the cleanup process with a better base, this entails adjusting the positive and negative amplitude parts of the wave and trying to match them in some degree so as to attempt to allow for better cleanup. those are the latest files, one is the positive side of the entire dinosaur_noise, and the second is teh negative side.

The two combined produce the full dinosaur_noise signal, so by separating the + and - sides one can adjust one side or the other in real time in a multitrack editor.

Old news:

Noise has noise, likely music or a background synth, and voice.

dinosaur_noise is really really tough, but to convince people that there are voice and they are recognizable as 1. Barney, 2. Kleiner, 3. Alyx there have been a few extractions:

Barney: "On this planet we're gonna find out about the [mother's?] [something] and [something splaw]"

Kleiner: "Let me see what [sarah moulder?] is gonna do..."

Alyx: "Thats amazing [gordon]!"

Firstly, these words are no in any previous installment of hl2... we have searched the closed captioning files for hl2, hl2:e1, and hl2:e2 and there are no matches for "thats amazing" with any similar sound or circumstance. The means that the audio is all but surely unique and new audio, so we aren't wasting our time.

What we can tell from this is that there are 4 voices and 1 or 2 sound effects at the end: Voice A begins making a statement to voice B. Voice B then response and says something. Voice C then clearly says "thats amazing", and then abruptly voice D, which sounds artificial, says an alert of some kind. Effect one begins and it increases it pitch. Lastly, there is some evidence of beeping sounds or something happening but they are hard to distinguish from noise.

EDIT July 17th, 2010: Words "This is amazing" belongs to Weathley, time 3:48 - 3:51 (sorry for not using wiki templates)

[March 4th, 2010, 8:25] Dinosaur_Noise Cleaned up by Hooded,

In this new one i did some editing in multiple programs, its quite faint but that is the only way i managed to get the conversation that takes place 1-17 audible enough to hear. If you listen carefully the, "Thats Amazing" Actually sort of sounds like Kliener and is saying, "Thats Amazing Johnson" Or more chopped up and saying, "Thats Amazing Doctor Johnson" As in Cave Johnson. These sentences are unconfirmed that are said by supposed Kliener.

[edit] Fizzle

Dinosaur_fizzle. Voice heard. Supposed GLaDoS

Fizzle has sound effects and lots of delay/varispeed going on. It is the only stereo file - if split to mono and one channel inverted, it removes the music and makes the voice clearer. dinosaur_fizzle_invert_mono.wav

Dinosaur_fizzle Supposed hidden morse code. Its at the start.


Small audio clip from 14-15 second of the original sound file. Someone clearly yells "Get out of the way!"

(or possibly "-that you're taking the right dose?") (or possibly "-that you're gonna murder!")

Dinosaur_noise.wav scrubbed by JonnytheFox 5th of March 3:29AM AEST (4th of March 8:29AM PST)

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