Talk:Thermal Discouragement Beam

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[edit] Other Possible Applications

I suspect that like the High Energy Pellet that Chell, too, will be "Thermally discouraged" if subject to the beam's focus. So we might be able to expect these to provide barriers and obstacles at heights that can't be jumped over or crawled under.

Possible that normal Weighted Storage Cubes will also become "Thermally discouraged" and either heat up (inflicting damage to Chell when held or walked onPoss?) or be disintegrated when subject to the beam. Might be used to "burn off" the various "paints"?

  • Moved from the main article, due to speculative content (including the use of verbs such as 'possible', 'suspect', and the adverb 'might').

Otherwise, this is an area I would like to explore as well. I believe the thermal discouragement beams will act similarly to the anti-portal walls seen in the last game, with the obvious exception of also 'thermally discouraging' Chell. -- Anonymous

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